Eloise Hawser

B. 1985, London, United Kingdom
Lives and works in London


Eloise Hawser in Territories of Waste
: On the Return of the Repressed
Museum Tinguely, Basel Switzerland

Eloise Hawser is the recipient of the David and Yuko Juda Art Foundation Grant Award

Eloise Hawser in 2015 Triennial: Surround Audience, curated by Lauren Cornell and Ryan TrecartinNew Museum, New York

Eloise Hawser in 16th Istanbul Biennial: The Seventh Continent

Recent work and exhibitions by Eloise Hawser have investigated material histories, the history of industrial fabrication and used historical advancements in UK manufacturing techniques as a means to create new sculptural bodies and to imagine how sculptural bodies can be constituted and re-configured.

Her works demonstrate an interest in finding personal approaches to industrially fabricating objects while at the same time investigating the inner workings of such mass produced objects and internal structures.

Eloise Hawser lives and works in London. She is a graduate of the Staedelschule, Frankfurt and The Ruskin School of Art at Oxford, England. Solo and two-person exhibitions include: By the Deep, By the Mark, Somerset House, London; Lives on Wire, ICA, London; Sol Lewitt and Eloise Hawser, Vistamare, Pescara; Hawser / Hofer, MUMOK, Vienna and Haus de Braut, VI, VII, Oslo. 

Selected group exhibitions include: The 16th Istanbul Biennial: The Seventh Continent, curated by Nicolas Bourriaud; The History of Nothing, White Cube, London; Europe, Europe, curated by Thomas Boutoux, Gunnar B. Kvaran and Hans Ulrich Obrist, Astrup Fearnly Museum, Oslo; Surround Audience: 2015 Triennial, New Museum, New York; The Weight of Data, Tate Britain, London; I am attracted none the less, their variousness, their ingenuity, their élan vital, and that something, essence quiddity, I cannot penetrate or name, Casey Kaplan, New York; Of Love, Pain, and Passioned Revolt. (Then Farewell, My Beloved, 'til It’s Freedom Day), Zero, Milan; One After One, Vilma Gold, London; Emotional Supply Chains, Zabludowicz Collection, London; Not Really, Really, an exhibition of works from the private collection of Fréderic de Goldschmidt, Brussels.

Hawser’s works are in numerous institutional collections including that of Tate Britain; MUMOK, Vienna, The Zabludowicz Collection and The Galleries Lafayette, Paris.

Curriculum Vitae



  • Staatliche Hochschule fur Bildende Kunste, Stadelschule, Frankfurt 
  • Professor: Tobias Rehberger


  • Ruskin School of Fine Art, University of Oxford, B.F.A

Solo and Two-person Exhibitions


  • By the Deep, By the Mark, Somerset House, London


  • Eloise Hawser & Kathi Hofer, curated by Barbara Rudiger, Mumok, Vienna (CAT)
  • Eloise Hawser & Mikael Brkic, art fair presentation with VI, VII, Independent, Brussels


  • Eloise Hawser and Sol Lewitt, Vistamare, Pescara, Italy
  • Lives on Wire, ICA, London


  • Frieze Art Fair, with VI, VII, Regent's Park, London
  • Liste 18, with VI, VII, Basel, Switzerland
  • Haus der Braut, VI, VII, Oslo

Selected Group Exhibitions




  • Group exhibition, Museum Tinguely, Basel
  • Permafrost, Mo.Co Panaceé, Contemporain Montpellier
  • 16th Istanbul Biennial: The Seventh Continent, curated by Nicolas Bourriaud, Istanbul


  • GOOD GRIEF, CHARLIE BROWN!, Somerset House, London


  • Not Really, Really, collection exhibition of Frederic de Goldschmidt, Brussels Emotional Supply Chains, Zabludowicz Collection, London
  • History of Nothing, Inside the White Cube, White Cube, North Galleries, Bermondsey, London
  • Eloise Hawser, Piotr Takomy, Jonas Weichsel, Konrad Fischer Galerie, Berlin, Germany 2015
  • Villa Aurora Revisited, Balice Hertling, New York
  • I am attracted none the less, their variousness, their ingenuity, their elan vital, and that something, essence quiddity, I cannot penetrate or name, curated by Loring Randolph and Alex Fitzgerald, Casey Kaplan, New York
  • The Weight of Data, Tate Britain, London
  • Transatlantic Transparency, Mathew gallery, New York National Gallery, Grand Century, New York


  • Triennial: Surround Audience, curated by Lauren Cornell and Ryan Trecartin, New Museum, New York


  • Ends Again, Supplement gallery, London


  • ICA Off-Site: Old Selfridges Hotel. A journey through London's subculture: 1980s to Now, ICA. London
  • Don't You Know Who I Am?- Art After Identity Politics, M HKA. Antwerp
  • Of Love, Pain, and Passioned Revolt. (Then Farewell, My Beloved, 'til It's Freedom Day), curated by Alice Consonni and Antonio Scoccimaro, Zero, Milan
  • One After One, Vilma Gold London Body of Evidence, VI, VII, Oslo


  • If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend six sharpening my axe, with Lena Henke, Reto Pulfer, Nino Baumgardener, David Adamo, Kunst Raum Riehen, Riehen, Switzerland


  • Superposition, Beige Cube, Frankfurt 2010
  • Too Fit Too Fat, Kunstverein Wiesbaden State of the Newly Incarnate Soul, Hidde Van Seggelen Gallery, London
  • Dictionary of Received Ideas, curated by Hannah Gruy, Lower John Street, London X Artworks in Straight Line, Crisp London/Los Angeles


  • Indoor Life, curated by Tom Godfrey, Walden Affairs, The Hague Rotate, The Contemporary Art Society, London
  • Contested Ground, 176  Gallery, London


  • Eloise and Pablo, The Wallis Gallery, London



  • Rachel Spence, Istanbul Biennial: eco-warriors outdone by dissidents, Financial Times, Sep 26, 2019
  • Louisa Buck, How Istanbul is exploring the Seventh Continent at its Biennial, Telegraph.co.uk-Sep 18, 2019
  • Art world impact just a drop in the ocean: Istanbul biennial curator takes on climate crisis, Art Newspaper, Sep 12, 2019


  • Peter Gruner, Thames: the art of reclaiming the river, 29 March 2018
  • Naomi Ackerman, Somerset House exhibitions shows the beauty in the Thames super-sewer, Evening Standard, Mar 23, 2018
  • Rosemary Waugh, Eloise Hawser: By the Deep, By the Mark review, Time Out, Feb 15, 2018


  • Patrick Langley, Eloise Hawser at ICA London, Frieze, Issue 174, October 2015
  • Ben Luke, Eloise Hawser: Lives on Wire, London Evening Standard, Thursday, 30 July 2015
  • Sean Ashton, Eloise Hawser: Lives on Wire, ArtReview
  • Eloise Hawser: Lives on Wire, Christopher Townsend, Art Monthly, September 2015, No. 389
  • Frances Loeffler, Body Doubles: The Work of Eloise Hawser by Frances Loeffler, CURA Magazine. No.19/WINTER 2015


  • Laura Mclean-Ferris, Ends Again, Supplement Gallery, London by Artforum, Critic's Pick


  • Arve Røed, Haus der Braut at VI, VII, Artforum.com, Critic's Picks, February 2013
  • Alex Ross, From the Ruins of the Present, Mousse Magazine, Issue 38


  • Rebecca Geldard, Eloise Hawser: New Sculpture at Karsten Schubert, Time Out, London. August 26-September 6th, 2009

Grants and Awards


  • Frankfurt Sparkasse Stiftung


  • Project Proposal selection for 20 Eventi Exhibition by Richard Wentworth


  • Geffrey Rhoads Bursuary